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Thursday, September 26, 2019

5 Top Ways to Make Money Online

We all know that there are many ways to make money online but here are 5 very different but very good ways for making money. If you are a stay at home mum or looking to supplement your income, or if you are looking for ways to get out of the rat race, these 5 ideas are aimed at different types of people with different personalities so one of these just might be the answer you have been searching for.
Here is the breakdown.
1. Create Your Own Website
With the advancements in technology this is much easier than it was say ten years ago, or even 5 years ago. If you can create a FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE page then you definitely would not find it too difficult to build a website. Gone are the days when you needed to be a Dreamweaver web design expert or an expert in HTML coding. Most website building software is now extremely user friendly and able to be used by just about anybody from grandma's to grand kids. You can have a site where you sell your own products or sell other companies products (affiliate).
2. Online Gambling
That's right, professional gamblers have been raking in the cash since the advent of online gambling casino's. There are many systems available that almost guarantee winning in games such as Roulette. If your good at poker, then you stand a good chance of winning at an online poker table.
3. YouTube
YouTube can be used for making money too. You don't have to be a singer or instrument player. Neither do you need to upload video's of your pets, children or whatever. Use it to INFORM people. It could be about a subject that you are already knowledgeable on or something that you know people have an interest in. You do not need to make videos of yourself talking if your not comfortable with that. You could use PowerPoint presentations to say everything you want. Once you have a page you can monetise it by having ads on your videos and affiliate links, or links to products that you want to promote.
4. eBay
eBay has been with us now for quite some time and in that time it has built itself a very, very good reputation. I have seen figures which suggest over 19 million users for eBay with at least 2 million visitors each day. What can you sell? Anything you want to is the answer. Digital eBooks that can be downloaded by the purchaser. Photos of places of interest. You don't need top stock items if that's not your bag. Take a look around eBay to get some inspiration for what you can start selling and START MAKING MONEY.
5. Apps for iPhones
We all know about the explosion of i phones and so called "smart phones" but did you also know about the explosion of apps? Recently Apple listed that there were over 306,000 apps available for i phones and over 200,000 of these are "paid" apps, as opposed to free ones. That means there is a massive market for this, and it is not as hard as you might think to create one. Once it is created, it should stay on sale forever.

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